Resources on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion - EDI at CSULA

Updated July 13, 2020

Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI)

欢迎来到我们足彩外围网站平等、多样性和包容(EDI)相关问题的资源页面. HHMI IE领导团队致力于提供CSULA教师策划的足彩外围网站这些主题的文章和资源. Since our HHMI IE grant was initially focusing on EDI in STEM, these articles are mostly from the STEM perspective. 然而,我们欢迎来自所有学科的文章,因为我们的目标是改变CSULA. In addition, as the recent killing of George Floyd while in police custody 引起了人们对种族不平等问题的关注,这些文章大多是足彩外围网站种族的. However, we welcome articles and resources that address multiple categories of diversity, such as race, sexual orientation and gender. If you have something you would like to share on this page, please send it to Cecilia Zurita-Lopez: zuritalopez (at) Thank you to all those who have contributed to this page! 

Resources On Campus:

We have a Vice President dedicated to issues of equity, diversity, and inclusion. Learn more about Dr. Octavio Villalpando here: /academicaffairs/diversity/about-vice-president

Learn about our students and view Dr. Villalpando's presentation on Recruitment for Diversity here

Our award-winning Center for Effective Teaching and Learning (CETL) has resources, tools, workshops, and courses that will help you learn more. We recommend starting with: Equity and Your Classroom; Teaching First-Generation Students; and Transparency in Learning and Teaching (TILT). The Creating the Student-Centered Syllabus workshop is also excellent!

Review the Equity-Minded Checklist. Click here 滚动到底部获得pdf,其中不仅包含清单,还包含资源列表. This handout, created by CETL, includes links to resources such as the Implicit Association Test, developed by the Project Implicit research group:

Interestingly, according to Project Implicit, there is not enough research to suggest that implicit biases can be reduced, let alone eliminated. 打包的“多样性培训”通常不使用基于证据的方法来减少内隐偏见. Therefore, 他们鼓励人们转而关注那些阻止隐性偏见发生的策略, such as blind auditions and well-designed "structured" decision processes

Begin by understanding the impact you make on your students. Read this article about Matthew Hubbard, a math professor at Laney College in Oakland, CA who was placed on leave after telling a student to 'anglicize' her name

Read about ways you can boost student learning in the online platform. This paper addresses the nontraditional, adult learner, 并提供了在网络平台上实现积极促进的简单而实用的方法.

Additional articles and books.

Gain a new perspective.

在科学杂志(AAAS)上找到“职业文章”,尤其是尼尔·A·琼斯. Lewis Jr. For an example, click here.

Pic of Careers Site

In this article, "The Death of an Adjunct" Adam Harris describes the experience of Thea Hunter, PhD, where people would ask her whether she was a janitor.

Find out how these topics are investigated and what studies reveal about EDI.

例如,这里有一篇足彩外围网站种族微侵犯的文章. 除了解释微观和宏观侵略的有害影响之外, 这篇文章给出了种族微侵犯不同于“日常粗鲁”的四个原因.“在有色人种的生活中,种族微侵犯是持续不断的, 2) cumulative in nature and present a lifelong burden of stress, 3) continuous reminders of the target group's second-class status in society, 4)象征着过去政府对有色人种的不公正(对黑人的奴役), incarceration of Japanese Americans, and appropriating land from Native Americans). 

Article Racial Microaggressions


Recognize that institutions do not treat eveyrone equally.

You may have fond memories of your students, 但他们试图驾驭CSULA和STEM学科的经历可能非常不同. The article entitled "A Theory of Racialized Organizations" (第一页见这里)取代了组织是种族中立的概念,认为组织是由种族过程构成和构建的,种族过程可能会影响种族国家的政策和个人偏见. 

Racialized Organizations


这是另一项研究,该研究分析了近30年来几乎所有美国博士学位获得者及其论文的数据. 研究发现,人口统计学上代表性不足的学生比大多数学生的创新率更高, 但他们的新贡献被打了折扣,也不太可能为他们赢得学术职位. 少数民族的创新不被重视,可能在一定程度上解释了他们在学术界有影响力的职位中代表性不足的原因. First page posted here.*

Diversity Innovation Paradox



Additional Resources:


我们建议您从我们的HHMI包容性卓越资助合作伙伴开始 Center for Urban Education:通过与教育系统合作改变政策和做法,实现种族平等, University of Southern California.

Read books such as On Being Included 它提供了一种制度性白人的解释,并表明种族主义是如何被多样性的制度化所掩盖的. 多样性被用作证明机构不存在种族主义问题的证据. On Being Included offers a critique of what happens when diversity is offered as a solution. 它还展示了多元化工作者如何在试图改变制度的过程中产生有关制度的知识.

On Being Included

How you can be an ally and support our students:

  1. Help our students see themselves represented in your curriculum. 在你的课程材料中加入有色人种的贡献,或者邀请有色人种的专家在你的课堂上发言. Here is a list of resources that will help you decolonize your curriculum (i.e. include diverse perspectives).
  2. 向你的学生介绍那些公开庆祝多样性并且不害怕处理EDI问题的全国性组织. Here's a list of STEM organizations who also emphasize EDI.
  3. 支持校园内致力于促进STEM及其他领域多样性的项目. For example:
  4. 支持校外致力于促进学术多样性的项目和组织. For example:
  5. 了解你的有色人种学生在为他们选择的职业做准备时可能面临的特殊障碍. Read articles that address these issues. For example, here's an article by Adam Harris, a staff writer at The Atlantic entitled "The Disciplines Where No Black People Earn PhDs."
    No Black PhDs
  6. Diverse educators can help reshape education. Support and encourage hiring faculty of color. Here's an article 这不仅强调了这一点,还强调了培养有色能力的重要性.

Get to know and support our faculty of color. 

Thanks to allies like you, our faculty of color are making contributions to scholarly work, in spite of established institutional biases. Here's an article published on July 13, 2020 in the Wall Street Journal, pointing out that often, topics related to EDI are left out of top journals, effectively marginalizing such studies and their authors. Here's another article on race, ethnicity and NIH research awards, 该研究发现有色人种教师的研究不太可能得到美国国立卫生研究院的资助.

Race, Ethnicity, and NIH Research Awards

我们的HHMI IE领导团队由许多有色人种和盟友组成,他们可以帮助回答有关EDI的问题. Many are directing grants that promote diversity in STEM. Our HHMI grant also organizes training workshops on these topics. Click on the tab that says "Become an Equity Fellow in 2020" to learn more.

In addition, many of our CSULA faculty outside of the HHMI IE Leadership Team are allies, activists, and/or experts on these topics. Here are some examples:

Melina Abdullah Ph.D. 他还是一位公认的研究种族、性别、阶级和社会运动的专家. Abdullah is the author of numerous articles and book chapters, with subjects ranging from political coalition building to womanist mothering.

Kristina Ruiz-Mesa Ph.D. 主要研究组织沟通、身份认同和高等教育. 她的工作包括在美国工作的首席多元化官的应用交际实践.S. colleges and universities.

Also, here's an article on tips for reducing the service burden for faculty of color. Here's another article (opinion piece) written by C. 布兰登·奥格布努是耶鲁大学生态与进化生物系的助理教授,他主张对科学中的种族主义进行批判性审查.

Racial Reconciliation

Finally, issues of EDI are vital to increasing the overall success of CalStateLA. 

The article entitled The Miner's Canary argues that race is like the miner’s canary. Miners often carried a canary into the mine alongside them. 金丝雀更脆弱的呼吸系统会导致它在人类受到影响之前很久就因有毒气体而崩溃, thus alerting the miners to danger. 金丝雀的求救信号表明,是时候离开矿井了,因为空气变得太毒了,无法呼吸. 那些被种族边缘化的人就像矿工的金丝雀:他们的痛苦是威胁我们所有人的危险的第一个迹象.